Friday, January 3, 2020

Calidad vs. Cualidad, Spanish Words Meaning Quality

Both calidad and cualidad are usually translated to English as quality  Ã¢â‚¬â€ but the two words arent used in the same way and arent interchangeable. A look at these two words show how the meanings of words can change over time  and how corresponding words, known as  cognates, in two languages can take different paths. Calidad, cualidad and quality all come from the Latin qualitas, used to refer to categories or kinds of things. (You can still see echoes of this meaning in the word cual.) Cualidad comes close to retaining that meaning and is used to refer to the inherent characteristics of something. In fact, it can almost always be translated as characteristic as well as quality. Here are some examples: El pelo corto tiene la cualidad de mantenerse en mejores condiciones por mà ¡s tiempo. Short hair has the quality of remaining in better condition for a longer time.Mi mejor cualidad como actor es la autenticidad. My best quality as an actor is authenticity.Antonio posee muchas cualidades deseables. Antonio has many desirable qualities.El magnetismo es una cualidad de algunos metales. Magnetism is a quality of some metals. Calidad, on the other hand, suggests excellence or superiority: Siempre queremos la mejor calidad para nuestros clientes. We always want the best quality for our customers.Tenemos que consumir nutrientes en cantidad suficiente y de buena calidad. We need to consume nutrients that are sufficient in quantity and of good quality.La mayorà ­a de las ciudades con mayor calidad de vida està ¡n en Europa. Most of the cities with a better quality of life are in Europe.La baja calidad del servicio hace perder mà ¡s clientes que el precio. The low quality of services causes the loss of more customers than does price. Sometimes calidad, especially in the phrase en calidad de, can refer to someones position or status: El representante, actuando en calidad de presidente interino, firmà ³ tres documentos. The representative, acting in the capacity of interim president, signed three documents.

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